Exhibit Starts: May 23rd, 2011
Location: STUDIO 33 GALLERIES ( Rockcliffe Conservatory/200/50/508 )
SURL.: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rockcliffe%20Conservatory/201/51/508
Toysoldier Thor is honored to have been invited as one of the prestigious STUDIO 33 Galleries' newest Artist to show some of his creations to this studio's visitors and patrons.
For those of you that are lovers of art and have not yet explored this expansive and growing set of galleries, Studio 33 Galleries is a location you must make a point to visit and explore. It is filled with small sample works from some of SecondLife's finest Artists.
Participating Artists are strongly encouraged to show examples of their art that is their most unique and thought provoking they have created - not as much what is the most "popular" or "sellable" art. Studio 33 strives to stimulate the mind and imagination.
In light of this concept, Toy was asked to present many of his artworks that are not his most popular but that have strong messages or symbolism. As such, many of Toy's first selection of art presented at the Studio 33 Galleries have never been seen before in SecondLife (four of the seven on display)! In the weeks to come, Toy is required to replace his first selections of art with new fresh art to present to Studio 33's patrons.
Toysoldier Thor would be honored to have the presence of all his friends in SL and the Art Community to this exhibit in the amazing Studio 33 Galleries!
Location: STUDIO 33 GALLERIES ( Rockcliffe Conservatory/200/50/508 )
SURL.: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rockcliffe%20Conservatory/201/51/508
Toysoldier Thor is honored to have been invited as one of the prestigious STUDIO 33 Galleries' newest Artist to show some of his creations to this studio's visitors and patrons.
For those of you that are lovers of art and have not yet explored this expansive and growing set of galleries, Studio 33 Galleries is a location you must make a point to visit and explore. It is filled with small sample works from some of SecondLife's finest Artists.
Participating Artists are strongly encouraged to show examples of their art that is their most unique and thought provoking they have created - not as much what is the most "popular" or "sellable" art. Studio 33 strives to stimulate the mind and imagination.
In light of this concept, Toy was asked to present many of his artworks that are not his most popular but that have strong messages or symbolism. As such, many of Toy's first selection of art presented at the Studio 33 Galleries have never been seen before in SecondLife (four of the seven on display)! In the weeks to come, Toy is required to replace his first selections of art with new fresh art to present to Studio 33's patrons.
Toysoldier Thor would be honored to have the presence of all his friends in SL and the Art Community to this exhibit in the amazing Studio 33 Galleries!